Killington, Mt. Snow, and Big Boulder.
That's right, it's November 2nd, and it's shred time!!
Hit any of these mountain's sites up to find out some more details on what's going on in the riding world. It's officially here. Snow has already fallen in Rochester, and we're getting freaking stoked for things to be rolling.
Click the MTN, and Check it out:
Word up.
-trans. crew
Rome - PreJib - Big Boulder, PA - Nov, 29th.

Rome Snowboards, bringing the good times again and again!
Come out to this!!! Kick off the season with one of the most super fun snowboard companies out there!! And Big Boulder is always a good time... WORDDDDD.
This event does takes place the day after the busiest retail shopping day of the year, so not quite sure at this point if all us shop heads will be able to make it.... :( We are a store, and do need to keep some of the cream of the crop employees in the shop to help customers get their gear for the season!!! But we will do our best to come show some support to the Rome crew!!!!
If we all can't make it.....shred it up for those of us trapped in the brick and mortar!!!
Oh Snap!
A crapload of new stuff has come in, and we're psyched.
Stepchild Snowboards, Omatic, Lib Tech, Gnu, Capita, Union....
And a bunch of other goodies too.
Stop in and visit and come get excited about winter with us. There are some big plans in the works for this season, GET STOKED!
-trans. crew
P.S. We'll try and make our posts more frequent now that we're actually getting in the swing of winter :) Believe it or not, sometimes shop life gets a little busy to post on the daily....we do promise you though, that we will do everything we can to keep you updated!!!! WORD.
Has jumped on the blogwagon to share the stories of her crazy life.
Check it out: http://shralpyourface.blogspot.com
Congrats Signal!
Keep up the great work guys!
Read THIS snowboard-mag article.
-trans crew
DC Tour - Mountain Creek.
Time Flies.
Here's an update from the shop on the latest and greatest...
Our next biggie is the Rochester Dome Sale...here's some details:
The snowboard and ski Dome Arena Sale will be taking place October 3rd *Fri*, 4th *Sat*, and 5th *Sun*.
This year it will be insane with guest appearances and autograph signings from:
- Todd Richards
- Mikey LeBlanc
- Louif Paradis
- Hannah Teter
- Max Baillargeon
- Tim Humphreys
- Tanner Hall
- Tim Russell
- Eric Pollard
And some others too!!! Come out and chill with us at the event and share some laughs and good times.
Afterparty on Friday at Hot Shots on 1046 University Ave starts at 10:30 pm, where the good times will roll on into the evening.
Word, hit us up with any questions on the details. Official event flyer soon to follow.
See you all there!!!!!
XOXO/Transitions Boardshop
We love you all and hope to see you there!!! Come rock out with us!! There were a couple changes to the lineup of athlete attendance, but as it stands listed right there, that should be who will be there. Of course, it is subject to change with or without notice, keep that in mind!!!
Afterparty will be crazy!! Like we said, come rock out with us!
-trans crew
Mark Dangler.
This edit is living proof of what getting the shot is all about. Whether it's fun with your friends, major comps, or just a day out playing in the snow on some rails. One thing I think always makes for a good edit, or I should say a great edit, is when you feel "that" feeling. You know, the one that gets you all tingly inside when it's 90 degrees out and not snowing. Just because you're able to get stoked on watching someone else kill it on a snowboard. The feeling that makes you remember exactly what it's like to hear your board against a rail, chattering against east coast ice, or the sound of slashing snow at a good friend. The feeling you get when you fall and fall and fall, and keep on getting right back up for more. Sometimes with the positive encouragement of your crew, which may be through words or completely unspoken. The feeling and vibe you get that can't really be described wholly with words, because sometimes there is no words to describe it. It's something you feel. A good feeling.
When film provides the opportunity to harness that feeling, it's a visual to make you remember.
Remembering and interpreting what it's like to experience, whether it's through your own or those of others. And how watching those experiences of others can make you want to live them first hand and see what it's like for yourself. Video is a blessing because it allows the opportunity to see what others are experiencing for themselves, and in a sense, live through their moments. That's when you know something is good, when it inspires you to want to harness that good feeling for yourself. Anything that makes you want to go out and "get it" can't be a bad thing, right? Or if it just brings a smile, grin, and a reminisce.
It could just be as simple as watching a sweet snowboard edit that makes you want to go shred.
Take it for whatever you want it to be, and enjoy this edit of some of Mark Dangler's best shots from the 07-08 season.
That's It, That's All.
There is just something about slow motion and big ass mountains and features that makes you want to go "OH YEAH!".
Watching that trailer is like a giant tease, it's like the buildup never ends, haha.
As like with EVERY other video out there, it's just like movie theater trailers, sometimes the trailer is excellent and the whole movie sucks. You never know until you see the full length.
This season should be an interesting season for videos, since there are like 594 different ones coming out. If there's anything that's struck your fancy, let us know! We'd love to hear what you're all anticipating.
Here's the link to earlier in the season's blog post with many trailers: HERE
Adventure through the blog, I'm sure there are others. The Gnar Wars and Hurts So Good teasers are both pretty hilarious.
-trans crew
Absinthe Films, "Ready".
From Absinthe Films who brought you the heavy hitter "Optimistic?" last season, "Ready" does not look like it will disappoint. It's got a nice diverse line up of riders too. Old school, new school, rail slayers, big mountain riders, and everyone in between. Just overall looks like a good snowboard video.
Especially when it seems a lot of film crews have been trending towards the street, these guys keep a good mix of everything. One vibe that was felt from "Optmistic?" that made Absinthe so appealing as a whole, was the vibe of "fun". It definitely left us feeling nice and warm and fuzzy inside. Which is why I think we have such high hopes for "Ready". When the full length drops, eyes will definitely be glued.
If you haven't had a chance to ride anything like this, open up your world, and go ride a real mountain!!! By real we mean more than 1200 vertical, haha.
-trans crew
Go to the product section, so you can get first dibs on some of the outerwear we're getting in....as a teaser, a couple items we're waiting on are the Reversible, Javier, and JFF2 Pant.
We've already got in beanies, the Reversible, Seamen, and Terryclava. One in each color, so once they're gone, they will probably be gone for good. Same with the tees and hoodies. We're also waiting on a few pairs of goggles too.
Anyway, you should come check it out, cause there's some pretty sweet new stuff from a bunch of companies.
-trans crew
New Newer Newest.
The '09 Ride, Salomon and Lib Tech decks have come in.
For outerwear and streetwear, we've gotten a bunch of 686, some Sessions and Bonfire. Some really good Nomis stuff, that is all pretty exclusive and limited, once the runs are gone, they're gone.
Airblaster just started rolling in too.
Don't worry, we'll post some pics up soon of the new goodies. A lot is for guys and gals, so you all have something nice to check out when you come visit us.
Pics soon, promise. If you're too impatient in the meantime, come down and check it out firsthand.
-trans crew
Bored and Boring.
We're just trying to get everything together for having just re-opened the shop, and there is nothing too crazy and exciting to write about...other than getting in all kinds of new sweet gear of course which just keeps on coming in every day now.
Tell us something you're interested in knowing/reading about, and if it peaks our interest, we'll gather some details on it and post them up.
Hit us up, and let us know. We are here for you guys after all, let us know what you want to hear....WORD!
Friday, August 15th, 2008.
We'll be open from 10am-8pm. Our store hours for the rest of the pre-season will be:
Mon-Fri - 10am-8pm
Saturday - 10am-5pm
Sunday - 12pm-5pm
Stop in and say whattup.
Super deals going on this season. We're also having a sale that runs from August 20th-29th.
Hit us up with any questions or comments, don't worry we'll blast you with details as they happen. Word.
- trans crew
Pro Snowboarder Event - Rochester, NY
Coming up October 3rd (Fri), 4th (Sat), 5th (Sun). We will be having a large event and the following pro athletes are scheduled to attend:
- Tara Dakides
- Mikey LeBlanc
- Louif Paradis
- Scotty Lago or Tim Humphries
We are also working on, it's not confirmed as of yet, but the chances of their attendance is super high:
- Hannah Teter
So come hang out with us and get stoked for the season!! Autograph signings, video premieres, super pre-season discounts. The works. Worddddd!!!!
It's going to be a good time, so make sure you come out!!! Let us know your stoke factor, if you have one... We'll make sure to keep you posted on the details as they happen!!
- trans crew
Union Danny Kass Binding.
Support your local snowboard shop!!! If you're interested in snagging a pair of these bad boys, come in and talk to us.
Word, the season is just beginning to get started, GET STOKED. Doors should be open in a couple weeks.

Shop Set Up!
STOKED! Because that means we'll be opening the doors again in a few weeks. And then a few weeks after that the events will be in full swing!
Pretty soon we'll be able to disclose more info about these events, but we just have to wait a little longer. Either way, it's going to be rad. And all you fools won't want to miss it!
If there's any brand or product you're interested in or curious about, feel free to hit us up. There are links listed on the right of brands we have at our store. If there's a brand that isn't listed, hit us up anyway with your questions or comments, we're always open to suggestion, and usually able to find answers for whatever your needs are.
We'll let you know when the exact opening date is so you can come visit us, should be around mid August. Word yo!
- trans crew
Transworld SNOWboarding.
It's SICK. Go check it out and explore:
Short and sweet post today, GO check TRANSWORLD. For realz!!!
- trans crew
Duff's on Signal.

Chris Dufficy kills it, and is now a part of the Signal team!
We wish him nothing but the best, as all those guys in that whole crew are rad.
Check the Transworld write up about it here: DUFF SIGNS WITH SIGNAL
The Signal site is pretty rad too, you can check that HERE.
Congrats again and we can't wait to see what moves you make with that crew this season! For any of you who don't know who Chris is, go do your homework!
Our friends at "Snow Ski & Board" in Pittsford, NY will be carrying Signal this upcoming season. If you're interested in their decks, stop down there and check them out!

-trans crew
Stepchild. Downloaded.
- Latchkey Twin
- Powder Sucks
- Jib Stick
- JP's Pro Model
- Simon's Pro Model
Go to StepChild Snowboards to check out all of next season's boards. And in the meantime, check out this teaser for their next season's drop called Downloaded. You'll actually be able to download the full length come August. Can you say digital revolution? Word!
-trans crew
All Day Everyday.
Snowboard all day everyday. Good motto guys, cheers!
-trans crew
Job Interviews.
We're setting them up early next week. If you're interested in employment and haven't gotten in touch with us, get on it!
Seriously, next season is going to be killer!
There are so many rad new brands coming in, and the events listing is off the hook. We've got some large name pros that are scheduled to attend some events as well, it's going to be crazy!
Also, Dome Sale is back. And it's gonna be huge Rochester, huge.
Get ready, because it's only just begun.
HCSC Session 2.
That the weather has been rad, and the riding super fun!
Here's the proof, it's all true.
More snowboarding videos on SnowboarderMag.com
Courtesy of Snowboardermag
Wu-Tang Clan aint Nuthin to F With.
With that said, Celtek gloves are looking quite fresh next season.

Just proof that when you previously thought it was as high as Wu-Tang could get, simply put, you were wrong!
- trans. crew
Sugarshack, Pleasure Inc.
Go check out Sugarshack right after you watch this, and get familiar if you aren't already. Because this is snowboarding at it's finest and it doesn't get much bigger than these guys go. And they've gone from 16mm to HD, so you can see every little detail that crosses in front of your eyeballs. Enjoy!
Thanks Sugarshack for adding new meaning to the term, killin it. Big ups Etienne!
- trans. crew
Living Proof.
This blog has it all. click it or stick it.
Keep your brain refreshed and check it out!
- trans. crew
Jobs For Snowboarders!
If you're interested in applying for a job in the snowboard department, follow these instructions:
Send us an email at: transitionsboardshop@gmail.com with the following information:
- Full Name:
- Address:
- Contact Number:
- What do you think most qualifies you for this type of position?
- What is your favorite thing about snowboarding, and why?
- What is your least favorite thing about snowboarding, and why?
- What kind of set up are you riding, and why?
If interested, reply ASAP and we'll go from there!!! Looking forward to hearing those responses!
Help spread the word!!! There are various positions currently available, so don't be shy to tell your friends!!!
- trans. crew
This must be a big year for videos, and from the looks of the teaser's crews have definitely been busy!
Enjoy, and i'm sure there are plenty more where this one came from. Make sure to check blog posts from April and May for a crapload of other videos coming out next season. Word.
- trans. crew
No Correct Way.
Rome....always killin it...enjoy this teaser for this season's drop: No Correct Way, A Film About Knuckle Draggers...reinforcing the following:
"There is No Correct Way to have fun. There is No Correct Way to progress. There is No Correct Way to express style. There is No Correct Way to travel.
There is No Correct Way to shred snowboards."
Damn those guys got it right on.
Keep up the good work Rome, breathing inspiration.
Enjoy! Peace!
- trans. crew
Hurts So Good.
Enjoy some downstate goodness...
Hurts So Good! intro/preview from Sean Callaghan on Vimeo.
SACRED VIDEO TRAILER from Sean Callaghan on Vimeo.
Sick riding, and F'ing hilarious. What more could you possibly ask for?
- trans. crew
Ride Contraband.
ONE strap?
ONE buckle?
And this binding rides good?
The answer to all three of those questions is a definitive: YESSSSSSS.
According to some shop heads and the general buzz from riders at the Stratton on-snow demo last January about the Ride contraband binding was that it rode good and felt good. It looks like a grown-up version of the Burton Freestyle Jr.....seriously, one strap, one buckle.
It definitely puts skeptics to the test, because it rides so much better than you think it would. As another rider put it, it has no toe pressure, if you like that sort of thing. All in all, a good binding for an interesting way that technology is moving.
Check it out on Ride's site: RIDE CONTRABAND BINDING
One word to sum it up for sure is, interesting. You'll just have to try it out yourself and see what you think! It really rides so freaking good, we don't think you'll be dissapointed.
- trans. crew
Down With People.
In the meantime, go add us as your friend on Myspace. Because we all know you'd be lying if you said you didn't have one.
Yeah, so there have been lots good trailers for vids coming out next season...here's yet another banger from Mack Dawg!
- trans. crew
Runway Films.
These ladies kill it, period. Enjoy!
- trans crew.
Double Decade.
- trans. crew
Back On The Horse.
Things have been a little crazy, and we're in full swing mode of getting everything geared up for next season. Just finishing up with the fine print and getting all the last minute details in order.
Which also means, we're going to be looking for heads that want to work this coming '08-'09 season. So stay tuned for details in regards to what you'll have to do to try out for the team. We'll be posting them soon. But if you're interested and just can't wait, feel free to shoot us an email telling us who you are and why you think we should hire you at: transitionsboardshop@gmail.com
Otherwise, we're now officially back on the horse!
Stay tuned kids, everything that's coming is really going to blow everyone's mind. We promise.
- trans. crew
Forum or Against'em.
This video might just have brought that back. We'll just have to check out the full length when that drops. But it looks to be nothing short of amazing. Especially since Peter Line and Joni Malmi have parts in it, SICK!
Keep those eyes peeled for the drop of this one in Fall of '08, it looks as though it will not dissapoint.
- trans. crew
Rome Magic Bus Tour.

Leave it to Rome once again...pushing the limits of being able to have as much fun shredding as possible...keep up the great work guys...and hope the rest of the Magic Bus Tour goes well. Check out updates from stops: HERE.
- trans. crew
GOING GREEN - Sole Tech.
Considering that if global warming keeps going at the rate it is, snow is not going to be as abundant as it's been in the past years...which would suck for snowboarding and all snowboarders in general for the obvious reasons.
Sole Technology is the parent company for etnies, eS Footwear, Emerica, ThirtyTwo, and Altamont Apparel. So show some love and support for a company that is definitely down for the cause.
- trans. crew
TWSNOW These Days.
This is for all you street rail kids who talk a mean game on the backcountry riding...prepare to get schooled...
Watch it: HERE
- trans. crew
Vonzipper + Skullcandy = Rad.
Bring themselves together to create this masterpiece:

It's just one of a series of three collabs they're doing. Pretty sick! Music, snowboarding, and now goggles, all into one. Ultimate accessories like this make completing the full kit that much easier.
- trans. crew
Chroma...fun fun!
- trans. crew
Highway to Hell.
This is the site that the above video is from: Method.tv
It has a bunch of sick vids on it...if they don't play right away, scroll to the lower right corner of the screen and look for Format, then switch from Flash to either Quick Time High or Medium quality.
Then enjoy some sick snowboarding! This bombardment of snowboard video edits has come from the fact that it is wicked warm outside, all our mountains are closed, and videos are what will get us all through the summer.
Sometimes it is questionable though, does watching snowboarding when it's warm outside make it better or worse that you can't be out riding. The answer to that questions is and always will be a double edged sword! In the meantime, enjoy the shred viewing!
- trans. crew
08/09 Teasers.
Some words that could be used to describe next season's videos...go big or go home, tighter pants, wider stances, more steez, bigger, harder, faster, pushing and breaking countless limits and boundaries, progression in all ways...pure crazyness...
Think Thank has outdone themselves once again, Alterna also killin it, Travis Rice...don't even have the words for that one...EPIC possibly?, and Bad Ideas sometimes can be amazing ideas...Enjoy!
Think Thank - Stack Footy
Alterna Films - Knockout - The Tenth Round
Red Bull/Quiksilver - That's it, That's all - Travis Rice
Newsroom Cinema - Bad Ideas
- trans. crew
Ultimate Boarder.
Todd Richards has won the first round for snowboarding. He's a wicked good rider, so that's not surprising. Congrats Todd! This triathlon definitely sparked some interest...so check out the teaser...3 boards, one week...pretty sick!
- trans. crew
Bicycle Rides.
Snowboarding + Music = Awesome.
So, with that said, it seems like a lot of people who are into rocking out the jams while shredding are constantly working on, or have already found, the ultimate playlist.
This would consist of the best jams to get you in your mode when out riding. It could be high energy, mellow, smooth, funky, whatever. It is whatever you want it to be, because it's your creation. Your mash up of what are usually your fave tracks at the time, or even timeless classics.
If you haven't pondered it lately...you might want to think about it....WHAT'S ON YOUR ULTIMATE PLAYLIST?...
And if you've never created an ultimate playlist, then a good place to start is by using some of your favorite tracks from your music collection, then adding songs/albums as you go, and removing anything along the way that you aren't too fond of. Over time, you will end up taking out all the stuff you don't like, and have added all the stuff that gets you pumped. So go make a playlist, and GET PUMPED! Music and snowboarding.....ah, what a joy of life.
- trans. crew
Backyard Park.
Some thoughts to consider:
- What kind of features will it have...boxes, rails, wallride, barrels, logs, etc.
- How big are the features going to be
- Will you need a drop in ramp
- What's the angle of the ground you're building on (this will help with if you need a drop in)
- How steep should your drop in be
- Do you want lights to ride it at night (if so, is there electricity, or will you need a generator)
- How much room will you need between features
- How rideable will your whole setup be (function over fashion on this one for sure)
Those are just a few ideas that we came up with in our brainstorming ideas on building a backyard park. Other obvious things would be determining exactly what you want to build and then figuring the cost, and if you have the willpower and most importantly the brainpower to actually construct it or at least finalize a good idea of what you want to build.
Yo, don't forget, snowboarding is dangerous. So if you're into this kind of thing, don't be dumb. Do it right, and do it the way it should be done, professionally! These are just brainstorming ideas. Not a guidelines by any means.
But backyard parks are pretty sick, and when done right can give you something to ride all day and night, and everyday you can't make it to the mountain, or whenever you just wanna chill and session your own private park. So go mow some lawns and save your cash, cause summer is the time to build it!
- trans. crew
Old Videos Rule.
Here's some classics to reminisce to...if you remember, own, or have seen some or all of these, then you have def. been around the block:
Forum - True Life
Shorty's - Team Video (anyone who even remembers this is pretty damn old school)
Mack Dawg - Simple Pleasures
KidsKnow Prod. - LoveHate
Mack Dawg - Decade
Wildcats - Diary
Some good '08 season vids:
Defective Films - Child Support
Absinthe - Optimistic?
Wildcats - Still Bastards
I don't know where you can even find some of these old vids if you don't already own them. I guess you'll just have to hit up your friends and do the trade/borrow. But be wary of that, because we have all lost many a good video that way, which totally sucks. So share with care, and spread the love of snowboarding. Both new and old vids, there are SO many good ones out there!
- trans. crew
Support Rochester.
Chain Store:
- Your purchase means more money for that company/organization
- Their headquarters is probably based far far away (it's def. not in Rochester) which means money their company puts back into the community (if they do give back) does not and will not have any affect on your every day life
- Basically just sells whatever is sent to their store from their headquarters
- Will never have the capacity to throw as many local events as a local business, things like skateboard events, snowboard events, bmx events, contests, fun jams, and so much other stuff, when's the last time you saw a huge corporate store REGULARLY throwing events in Rochester? It doesn't happen, that's why...
Local Business:
- Your purchase means supporting your local community, which allows those local businesses to give back to the local community, instead of a nationwide chain which is not focused on this
- The headquarters home city is Rochester or very close-by, which is also your home...which means those local businesses are able to put right back into the community what is given to their store through donations to local charity organizations, events, and focusing directly on things that impact you and your life
- Sells what the local customer wants and requests, from specific brands down to specific items, and is able to bring in more niche/core brands, things that are more exclusive, that a large chain store might not even be able to carry
- Can throw community events on a regular basis, and use the community's input to determine what and how those events go down, basically that means YOU the customer, friend, bro, shop kid, whatever, can help have a say in what happens in regards to the events in your community. Sometimes it just takes speaking up, hanging out, or shopping at that local business and giving your input that way, don't ever underestimate your voice...especially locally...
Do your part:
Some places and ways you can support the local community are by checking out/shopping at some of the following locally owned businesses, they're all pretty darn awesome:
- Thread
- Krudco
- Transitions (reopens in August)
- Godiva's
- Nook
- Snow Ski & Board (reopens in August)
- Sol Burrito
- Rustbelt Skateboards
- The Ski Company Mtn. Sports (reopens in August)
- Starry Nights Cafe
- Bodhi's Cafe & Lounge
- California Rollin
There are soooo many others, that's just a few to give you an idea. So get out and go support the locals! Hit us up if you're curious about ways you personally can get involved and give back to the local community, just FYI, there's a freaking ton of ways, word!
If you skateboard you can start by going to this:

- trans. crew
"Sponsor Me!"
1. Start small
- First, get pretty decently good at snowboarding, this is key
- Second, this might actually come before getting good at riding, but hit up your first ever main sponsors, Mom and Dad, or the equivalent, to help you out, because they should be the ones who will always back you through the years, more than just financial support, because you'll need the emotional support of your family and friends if you're really trying to get to the next level
- Third, be ready to fail, a lot, and learn in this process that you can't give up, ever
2. Get Bigger
- Literally, once you start progressing, try everything, then try doing it bigger
- While going bigger, stay clean, no sloppy big tricks, clean tight tricks are way better, don't ever forget that
- If you're serious about sponsorship, you're gonna need a video edit, or more accurately your "Sponsor Me" video, get a camera and a friend who wants to film, and take that thing everywhere and film your every move on a board, and heck maybe even off of it too, everyone needs some good lifestyle shots
- Present your "Sponsor Me" video to your local shop and wait, you might not get anything at first, but if they see you're serious about what you're doing, it could just be a matter of time
3. Get even bigger
- You're gonna need to get your name out there if you do get sponsored by a shop, so you better get ready to compete...chances are if you got sponsored then you're probably already riding at this level, but you might still need some mental preparation...competition is a whole different level of riding in itself
- Stay humble, just cause you're sponsored, or a really good rider, doesn't mean that your better than anyone, start thinking that way, and you're bound to lose more than you'll gain
- HAVE FUN, snowboarding is and always has been about fun, if you forget that or lose it along the way...you might as well just hang up your shred stick
That's it for now...stay tuned for a later version that might dig a little deeper to the AM and PRO level...
Hope this helped you little shralpers get an idea of what you need to do!
Now write those video ideas down so you don't forget and get out there early next season and kill it! Film, edit, and drop to your shops to see what happens...you never know...
- trans. crew
Airblaster's April.
With guys like Travis Parker, TJ Schneider, Ricky Hower, Tim Eddy, Nick Dirks, and a bunch of other amazing riders, you really can't go wrong.
Extreme tweaking jib freaks who shred hard are a few words that could describe the Airblaster team, but all in all, the best one word description is: SICK!
Do whatever you can to get your little eyeballs to witness "April" in it's entirety, cause you won't be disappointed. Oh yeah, and there's some sweet edits on the video from HCSC (High Cascade Snowboard Camp) and Magical Go-Go too.
- trans. crew
Hello Spring.
- Omatic
- Stepchild
- Skullcandy
- IS Design Goggles
- Celtek
There are a few big events that will be happening early next season with some buzz of attendance of pro-riders, huuuuge sales, free schwag and giveaways, and a bunch of other good stuff. Oh yeah, and Rochester, look out cause the "Dome Sale" is back and will be bigger than ever. Stay tuned for all the details you'll ever need.
Bookmark this page, write it in sharpie on your arm, get it tattooed on you, because it's gonna be the source for all you shred heads to stay in the loop of what's goin down in the Rochester and Syracuse snowboard community, and tons of other fun stuff going on in the shred world.
Peace! And get off your bum and go ride a bike or something, spring has sprung!
- transitions crew