
Absinthe Films, "Ready".

This one is for all you local Western NYers who think the biggest thing in snowboarding is the battleship rail at your local hill. Not saying rails aren't super fun, because they totally are, but this video looks to be a real eye opener for those who haven't experienced the BIG stuff in snowboarding first hand.

From Absinthe Films who brought you the heavy hitter "Optimistic?" last season, "Ready" does not look like it will disappoint. It's got a nice diverse line up of riders too. Old school, new school, rail slayers, big mountain riders, and everyone in between. Just overall looks like a good snowboard video.

Especially when it seems a lot of film crews have been trending towards the street, these guys keep a good mix of everything. One vibe that was felt from "Optmistic?" that made Absinthe so appealing as a whole, was the vibe of "fun". It definitely left us feeling nice and warm and fuzzy inside. Which is why I think we have such high hopes for "Ready". When the full length drops, eyes will definitely be glued.

If you haven't had a chance to ride anything like this, open up your world, and go ride a real mountain!!! By real we mean more than 1200 vertical, haha.

-trans crew

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