
Rome - PreJib - Big Boulder, PA - Nov, 29th.

Rome Snowboards, bringing the good times again and again!

Come out to this!!! Kick off the season with one of the most super fun snowboard companies out there!! And Big Boulder is always a good time... WORDDDDD.

This event does takes place the day after the busiest retail shopping day of the year, so not quite sure at this point if all us shop heads will be able to make it.... :( We are a store, and do need to keep some of the cream of the crop employees in the shop to help customers get their gear for the season!!! But we will do our best to come show some support to the Rome crew!!!!

If we all can't make it.....shred it up for those of us trapped in the brick and mortar!!!



Oh Snap!

So much good stuff going on in the shop.

A crapload of new stuff has come in, and we're psyched.

Stepchild Snowboards, Omatic, Lib Tech, Gnu, Capita, Union....

And a bunch of other goodies too.

Stop in and visit and come get excited about winter with us. There are some big plans in the works for this season, GET STOKED!

-trans. crew

P.S. We'll try and make our posts more frequent now that we're actually getting in the swing of winter :) Believe it or not, sometimes shop life gets a little busy to post on the daily....we do promise you though, that we will do everything we can to keep you updated!!!! WORD.



The crazy girl who manages "Transitions Boardshop".

Has jumped on the blogwagon to share the stories of her crazy life.

Check it out: http://shralpyourface.blogspot.com
